Drapers Independents Awards Finalist 2018 - Gemini Woman
Gemini Woman are over the moon to announce that we have been selected as a finalist for this year's Drapers Independents Awards!
Gemini Woman is nominated for the Best Multichannel Independent of the Year award.
“Drapers Independents Awards celebrate the most influential brands and highly respected independent retailers and reward those businesses that are changing the landscape of fashion. The fashion industry’s best independents provide inspiration on so many levels. Offering some of the best customer service in the fashion industry, indies know how to keep their customers happy – and keep them coming back.
Good independents really understand their customers’ lifestyles and interests and bring them into every part of the overall business strategy. They become local influencers, keeping them always at the forefront of their customers’ minds.” - Drapers Independent Award
The winner will be announced on 12th September, so keep your fingers crossed for us and make sure you're following us on social media for all of the updates!